Search Engine Optimization SEO for Dentists

We know that the dental industry is a tough one in which to compete. We also know that it takes more than just a creative design to make the perfect dental website. 

If you’re a dentist, you know how competitive the dental market is.

You also know that your dental practice needs to be constantly growing and evolving in order to keep up with the competition. One of the best ways to do this is through Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO can help drive new patients into your office on a consistent basis without having to spend more money than necessary. It’s an opportunity that shouldn’t be overlooked by any dental practice looking for long-term success.

You can use our proven strategies to get more traffic from Google and other search engines. We will help you grow your business by increasing visibility through organic search results so that potential patients find you when they’re ready for treatment. This means more leads and more conversions which means more revenue!

Let’s take a look at what Luce Media can do to improve your dental practice’s SEO so you can see better results.

SEO is a great way to get more patients into your dental office. It can be hard for people to find the right dentist, so if they search for “dentist in Dallas” and see that you have an ad at the top of their Google results, then they might click on it! But this only works if your website is optimized with certain keywords. If it isn't, then no one will ever see those ads! That's why we recommend getting help from our team of experts who will make sure all of your digital efforts and web pages are optimized with keywords.

Every dental practice should consider its website as the front door of their business. Your site is not only where you can establish your brand and communicate with potential patients, but also an important tool in helping Google determine how relevant your site is relative to search terms people might use when looking for a dentist.

The biggest concern dentists express to us is how long it takes to make their sites more “Google-friendly." That's where we come in; Luce Media has Dental Digital Marketing experts who specialize in SEO. Here are some of our best SEO practices we plan to put into action for the success of your dental practice.


Keywords, Keywords, Keywords

The most important components of a successful local SEO strategy for dentists include targeted keywords and avoiding unnatural keyword stuffing. It’s best to focus on your most successful words first, including both short tail (e.g., Dentist Arlington Texas) as well as long-tail phrases (Quality Dental Care Ft Worth). Luce Media will handle all your keyword research to ensure your content is fully optimized. This is critical to make your practice easily reachable through search engine results.

Include Headings

The titles and section headings on your website are an important step in SEO. Without them, it's difficult to create a user-friendly experience that Google can identify and index properly. Your goal is to get potential patients to engage and convert them into new patients.

Internal Links

When your website links to other pages on your site, Google thinks that's cool.  Internally linking to specific service pages is a great way to help the search engine crawlers find what is on your website. For example, if you mention full-mouth restoration on your main page, make sure to link to your page that goes over full-mouth restoration in depth. 


Even with these improvements to your practices SEO, there is an even more important step. The real money maker comes from website or landing page conversions. Ranking higher on the search engine results page does not automatically lead to more patients (although it goes a long way). This assumption has caused many dental practices to spend lots of money without seeing any return. Remember, your goal (and ours) is the conversion, not simply more traffic. The experts at Luce Media have the tools to ensure more of your website visitors call you and fill out appointment requests.

Our dental website and social media SEO strategies have been perfected and tested over time to ensure quality traffic that will bring new patients to your office. Are you ready to start the SEO conversation for your dental practice?

Give Luce Media a call at (469) 907-1057 or schedule a quick appointment!